Module Odiff_gtk

module Odiff_gtk: sig .. end
Gui do display and merge differences.

Displaying diffs

class type diffs_window = object .. end
val diffs_window : title:string -> file:string -> Odiff.diff list -> diffs_window
The given file is the second file used in the comparison to compute diffs.
class type string_diffs_window = object .. end
val string_diffs_window : title:string ->
string:string -> Odiff.diff list -> string_diffs_window
The given string is the second string used in the comparison to compute diffs.

Merging diffs

type merge_info = 
| No_conflict of string (*No conflits for this part of the given text*)
| Conflict of (string * string) (*Conflict found in the given file: the two alternatives are in parameter*)
val build_merge_info : string -> merge_info list
build_merge_info file returns the list of merge info by analyzing the contents of the given file. It returns a list of merge_info, which represents the parts of the file which have conflits or not.
val manual_merge_window : title:string -> file:string -> merge_info list -> unit